Healthy Food Made Easy is a fun course where you will learn to cook healthy meals on a budget. The course is free and open to anybody aged 18 or over living in the greater Bray area. The emphasis throughout is on group learning and talking rather than formal teaching.
NEXT COURSE: Starts on Thursday 23rd January, 10am-12.30pm and will continue over 6 Thursday mornings until 27th February.
- Prepare, cook and taste healthy recipes
- Get tips on food shopping
- For all ages and abilities
- Relaxed and fun approach
- Learn about healthy eating
- Plan meals on a budget
There will be new courses commencing in 2025. Check our Events page for dates or contact Louise on (083) 430 1284 to find out more and register or email
Healthy Food Made Easy (HFME) is a community cooking programme developed under the Sláintecare Healthy Communities Programme.