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Mental Health & Well-being programme

Table with artwork and arms of two participants creating their artwork with coloured pencils

Our Social Prescribing service ran a four-week programme of mental health and well-being taster sessions for clients in November, covering:

  • Understanding Anxiety
  • Introduction to WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Plan)
  • Mindfulness-based Well-being
  • Recovery in Colour

This programme was delivered under our Sláintecare Healthy Communities programme, funded by HSE Community Healthcare East Health & Wellbeing, and run in collaboration with ARCHES Recovery College.

Feedback from those who took part on the benefits to them was overwhelmingly positive.

“It brought me out more and I opened up more."

“Got me to stop overthinking”,

“Got me back to talking to people again. 

“It has made me aware of ways to recovery”.

“Being listened to and in a group. I like the interaction with [the facilitators]”.

“Getting to know people, because I usually stick to myself and don’t mix, so this has helped me”.