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CARA - Care And Repair Action service

This programme is funded by Wicklow County Council and resourced through the Social Inclusion and Community Activation Programme (SICAP) which is co-funded by the Irish Government and the European Union.

CARA - Care And Repair Action carries out small jobs for older and vulnerable people living in the Bray and North Wicklow areas. 

The idea is to support you to remain in your own home and live as independently as possible by improving your housing conditions and making your home more comfortable. Typical jobs include: hedge and grass cutting; minor carpentry; small paint jobs; replacing light bulbs; installing smoke alarms and moving light furniture

Our CARA staff will first carry out a home visit survey to assess the work that needs doing. All our staff are Garda vetted and carry BNWAP ID cards. You only have to pay for the materials used, although we also gratefully accept voluntary donations.

Contact Us

Call us on (01) 286 6080 and ask for the CARA service or email

care and repair

This project is funded by Wicklow County Council and our SICAP programme.